The end of Winter is coming. Phew! Soon we’ll be able to ditch the heavy jackets and spend some more time outside.
Spring is the perfect time to consider de-cluttering and getting rid of old, hardly-used furniture to make way for greener pastures.
With a fresh start in mind, here is some #BrotherlyAdvice on how to have the perfect Garage Sale!
Advertise Like Crazy
Put an ad in Craiglist, draw many bright coloured posters and put them up in high-traffic areas like crosswalks. Send out a Facebook post.
Throw it on a Saturday
Consider throwing your Sale on a Saturday. Some people like to have them on a Sunday since it gives them more time to prepare. However, throwing your Garage Sale on a Saturday gives you the option to extend a day longer if you would like to. If everything isn’t gone by then, call ahead to donate all extras and don’t forget to get that tax receipt.
Price in Advance
If you prefer, you can put price tags on all items. However, keep in mind that you are trying to de-clutter, and low-ball offers are a part of the game – detach yourself from emotional ties and be realistic with price points.
Get Neighbours and Friends Involved
Extend an invitation to close friends and neighbours. At the very least they may stop by to keep you company and keep your energy up. At the most they may invite their friends!
Have Fun!
Liven your sale up with music, put out a couple snacks, and grab a couple folding chairs to kick back. The more fun you have, the more people will be drawn to your good time!