Many people choose to move without the help of professional movers – for many different reasons. The #1 reason tends to be cost. There’s something these people don’t realize – hiring a moving company is not as expensive as it appears. And every cent not spent is another… Read More
Jack Frost is back in town, and it’s time to be prepared for the unexpected. It’s important to always be mindful of your safety with the fleeting and extreme weather conditions that winter brings. Here are a few tips for a safe moving experience without having the chilling burden of… Read More

Packing up and moving is more than boxes and tape. Utilities are forgotten about more often than you would think. One thing to know about cancelling or starting utilities in a new location is that it often takes longer than expected to organize. Here is our Brotherly Advice… Read More
Major appliances are likely to be the most expensive possessions you own. The last thing you want is to damage these items during transit. First off, it is important to clean all of your major appliances like: Refrigerators, washing machines, toaster ovens, etc. Ensure you leave enough time to… Read More
When slowly approaching a move (or quickly approaching a move), it is absurdly tempting to throw all the knickknacks and toys into boxes, telling yourself you’ll deal with it once the move is over. Read More